How to Maintain Algorithmic Sovereignty


The term “algorithmic sovereignty” has been gaining traction in recent years, but what does it actually mean? And why is it important? In this blog post, we’ll explore what algorithmic sovereignty is, why it’s important, and how individuals and organizations can achieve it.

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What Is Algorithmic Sovereignty.

What Does It Mean to Be Sovereign

To be sovereign is to have supreme power or authority. In the context of algorithmic sovereignty, it means having the power and authority over one’s own algorithms. This includes the ability to develop, control, and use algorithms without dependence on or subordination to external actors.What Is an Algorithm

An algorithm is a set of instructions for carrying out a task or solving a problem. It is typically implemented as code that can be executed by a computer. In the context of algorithmic sovereignty, algorithms are used to make decisions about data and automate processes.

Algorithmic sovereignty is the idea that individuals and organizations should have the power and authority over their own algorithms. This includes the ability to develop, control, and use algorithms without dependence on or subordination to external actors.

The Importance of Algorithmic Sovereignty.

Why Is Algorithmic Sovereignty Important

There are a number of reasons why algorithmic sovereignty is important. First, algorithms play an increasingly important role in our lives. They are used to make decisions about everything from what we see on social media to whether we get a loan from a bank. As such, they can have a significant impact on our lives. Second, algorithms are often opaque and difficult to understand. This lack of transparency can lead to unfairness and bias in the decisions that algorithms make. Finally, algorithms are often controlled by large corporations or governments. This concentration of power can be dangerous if it is not properly regulated.What Are the Consequences of a Lack of Algorithmic Sovereignty

There are a number of consequences that can result from a lack of algorithmic sovereignty. First, individuals may be subject to unfair or biased decision-making by algorithms. Second, large corporations or governments may abuse their power by using algorithms to manipulate or control people. Finally, a lack of algorithmic sovereignty may lead to a loss of privacy as data collected by algorithms is used for harmful purposes such as targeted advertising or mass surveillance.

How to Achieve Algorithmic Sovereignty.

What Steps Can Individuals and Organizations Take to Achieve Algorithmic Sovereignty

There are a number of steps that individuals and organizations can take to achieve algorithmic sovereignty. Firstly, it is important to be aware of the ways in which algorithms can impact one’s life and work. Secondly, one should seek out alternatives to the use of algorithms where possible, and work to create or support such alternatives where they do not yet exist. Thirdly, when using algorithms, it is important to ensure that as much control as possible is retained over how they are used and what data they have access to. Finally, it is also important to stay up-to-date on developments in the field of algorithm studies, so as to be better informed about potential risks and opportunities.

What Are Some Strategies for Achieving Algorithmic Sovereignty

There are a number of strategies that can be used in pursuit of algorithmic sovereignty. Firstly, individuals and organizations can strive to use algorithms in a way that maximizes transparency and accountability, for example by making sure that data collected by algorithms is made available publicly. Secondly, it is important to push back against the use of algorithms in situations where they may have harmful effects, for instance by campaigning against their use in areas such as employment or credit scoring. Finally, it is also possible to work towards the development of new algorithm-based systems that are more democratic and decentralized in nature, so as to reduce reliance on existing systems controlled by powerful actors.


Algorithmic sovereignty is a term that is becoming increasingly important as we become more reliant on algorithms. Algorithmic sovereignty refers to the ability of individuals and organizations to control their own algorithms. This is important because algorithms are increasingly being used to make decisions that impact our lives. A lack of algorithmic sovereignty can have serious consequences, such as decreased privacy, increased surveillance, and biased decision-making.

Individuals and organizations can take steps to achieve algorithmic sovereignty by understanding algorithms and taking control of the data that they generate. Some strategies for achieving algorithmic sovereignty include developing your own algorithms, using open source algorithms, and collaborating with others to create community-owned algorithms.

It is important to be aware of the implications of algorithms in our lives and to take steps to ensure that we maintain control over them.

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