How to Build leadership Skills within Your Startup
Building your startup’s leadership team is...

How To Create A Software Product Userfriendly, and Easy To Use
If your software product is well...

Importance of product leadership?
Product leadership is an important part...

6 steps to build insanely great software products
Most product-development managers are always struggling to bring in projects on time and on budget. They never have enough resources to get the job done, and their bosses demand predictable schedules and deliverables. For this, you may need a lean software development software development process, as poor implementation could be the last nail in the coffin for your project.

The software entrepreneur mindset.
Don't marry your ideas, think like an investor, remain objective, but don't lose your passion. Data is your guide. Get in the habit of using your own product on a daily or weekly basis. This way you're putting yourself in your user's shoes and will be able to spot problems early on.