How to Develop Your Leadership Pipeline


The topic of this blog post is how to develop your leadership pipeline. A leadership pipeline is a process that organizations use to identify, develop and prepare leaders for future roles. It is important to develop your leadership pipeline because it can improve organizational performance, increase employee engagement and lead to greater succession planning success.

#Photo by Pille Kirsi on Pexels

The Importance of Developing Your Leadership Pipeline.

What is a leadership pipeline

A leadership pipeline is a system for developing and retaining talent within an organization. It identifies potential leaders at all levels of the organization and provides them with the necessary training and experiences to prepare them for future leadership roles.Why is it important to develop your leadership pipeline

There are several reasons why it is important to develop your leadership pipeline. First, it helps to ensure that you have a pool of qualified candidates to choose from when vacant leadership positions need to be filled. Second, it can help improve organizational performance by providing leaders with the skills they need to be successful in their roles. Third, it can increase employee engagement by giving employees opportunities to develop their skills and knowledge. Finally, it can improve succession planning success by preparing leaders for their future roles before they are actually needed in those positions.

How to Develop Your Leadership Pipeline.

Identify future leaders

The first step in developing your leadership pipeline is to identify future leaders. This can be done through a variety of methods, such as succession planning, 360-degree feedback, and performance reviews. Once you have identified potential leaders, it is important to invest in their development.Invest in leadership development

Investing in leadership development can take many forms, from providing formal training and education opportunities to more informal mentorship and coaching programs. It is important to tailor your investment to the needs of each individual leader, as not all will require the same level or type of support.Create a leadership development plan

Once you have identified potential leaders and invested in their development, the next step is to create a leadership development plan. This plan should outline the specific goals and objectives you hope to achieve through the leadership pipeline, as well as the steps and timeline for achieving them. By taking the time to develop a comprehensive plan, you can ensure that your leadership pipeline will be successful in meeting your organizational needs.

The Benefits of Developing Your Leadership Pipeline.

Improved organizational performance

When organizations invest in leadership development, they see improved performance across the board. A study by the Center for Creative Leadership found that companies who invest in leadership development enjoy a return on investment of almost 500%.(1) Furthermore, these companies experience increased productivity, profitability, and employee engagement.

There are many reasons why developing your leadership pipeline can lead to improved organizational performance. First, it ensures that you have a pool of talent to draw from when you need it. Second, it helps you groom future leaders who are already familiar with your organization and its culture. Third, it gives you the opportunity to develop custom-tailored training programs that meet the specific needs of your organization. And fourth, it allows you to create a system of checks and balances so that no one leader becomes too powerful or unaccountable.Increased employee engagement

Investing in leadership development can also lead to increased employee engagement. When employees feel like they have opportunities for advancement, they are more likely to be engaged in their work and committed to their organization.(2) Furthermore, when employees see that their company is investing in their development, they are more likely to reciprocate with loyalty and hard work.(3) Finally, developing your leadership pipeline can help you attract and retain top talent because prospective employees will see that your company is dedicated to developing its people.(4)Greater succession planning success

Succession planning is another important benefit of developing your leadership pipeline. When done correctly, succession planning ensures that there is always someone ready and willing to step into a leadership role when needed.(5) Furthermore, succession planning provides opportunities for high-potential employees to get exposure to different aspects of the business and learn new skills.(6) Finally, succession planning creates a sense of continuity within an organization and instills confidence in shareholders, customers, and other stakeholders.(7)

1. “Leadership Development Programs Deliver Results.” Center for Creative Leadership. Accessed February 21, 2017.

2. Ibid.

3. Ibid.

4. Ibid.

5. “7 Benefits of Succession Planning – And How to Get Started.” SHRM Online Staffing Management, October 01, 2016. Accessed February 21, 2017.

6. Ibid.

7. Ibid.


If you want your organization to perform at its best, it’s important to develop a leadership pipeline. By identifying future leaders and investing in their development, you can create a pool of talent that will help your company succeed for years to come. The benefits of a strong leadership pipeline include improved organizational performance, increased employee engagement, and greater succession planning success. So if you’re looking to take your organization to the next level, start by building a strong leadership pipeline.

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